
Cinatis is a collaborative SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform that boosts the transport performance of manufacturers, distributors and logistics providers.

The digitalization of the Supply Chain is your asset for improving customer loyalty, optimizing logistics flows and reducing your transport costs. Our cloud-based transport software centralizes operational data from and to partners (transporters, logisticians, customers, suppliers, etc.). You collaborate effectively with your ecosystem and ensure the transparency of your logistics processes.


Cinatis Way optimizes physical flows towards shippers and Carriers. Cinatis Way acts like an information hub collecting shippers information and optimizing the means of transport.

Need for an automated solution to collect shipping information to feed the CINATIS WAY application.

Need for monitoring and control of shipping transactions.


Single platform, Order hub, EDI, Control centre, track & trace. 

  • Orchestrator
  • Web based collaboration platform dedicated to freight consolidation for all Cinatis members.
  • Control center
    • Track & trace, monitoring, dashboards, workflows, allerts.

Our partner.

Contact us.

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